Getting to grips with “tags”

I am writing this post to demonstrate just how easy it is to tag your blogs posts.

Using tags is entirely up to you. If you blog a lot or if you write blogs on a wide variety of topics, tags are a useful way to group posts together.

Tags also make it easier for other people to find and read your blog posts.

Give it a go!


President Trump

The Outcome of the 2016 American presidential election is testimony to  the complex problems the West faces in relation to politics, identity and belonging in the 21st century.  It highlights divisions and conflicts around nationality, class, race and gender.

The anger, fear and disillusionment felt by large numbers of Americans has found expression in the decision to support the inexperienced, unqualified man and to reject the experienced, qualified woman. The issues which contributed to this outcome are relevant to some of the questions raised in the  “Gendering the British” course and for this reason I feel compelled to share some thoughts.

There is a crisis of masculinity which is most acute among white working class men. In America, Trump was able to tap into their sense of marginalisation and  validated the appeal of a return to the status (respect, power, deference ?)  they believe they  once ‘enjoyed’ over other men (such as the  African-American Barrack Obama), over women (like Hillary Clinton) and over the rest of the world (notably Mexicans and Muslims). These men voted FOR Trump and in doing so set aside the overwhelming evidence of his elitism, misogyny and racism.
There is also a crisis in femininity, but this is more subtle.  Among the significant minority of women who voted for Trump there was a rejection of what Hillary Clinton represents and what she stands for. The evidence of Hillary seeking to lead, to exercise power and demonstrating independence threatened their femininity. These women are scared of what this means and fear that they will be rejected as Hillary was rejected over the course of the Presidential campaign. They fear the unknown – they fear the loss of men’s protection (financial and physical) and/or of the male gaze (desire) and the ‘power’ they believe this gives them.  These women voted AGAINST Clinton and in doing so sent out a message that misogyny,  sexual abuse and the persistence of inequality are ‘prices’ worth paying.
By all means disagree with me but please don’t deny that gender has always influenced how political identity is both formed and performed.

Interesting reading!

I have just finished reading the first round of blog posts produce by the Gendering the British students.  I was impressed by the range of content and the thought put into the language, interaction and design. The range of visual material was excellent.

I have made comments on all the blogs and I have noticed some students have provided some positive feedback on a couple of blogs.   Please take the time to follow their example and look at each others’ posts.  At this stage, some honest positive encouragement is really welcome!

I know it can be daunting starting off a blog and I want to say congratulations and “well done” to everyone for rising to the challenge.

Thank you everyone


Students can manage who can see their blogsite and posts.  To change the privacy setting for the entire site go to My sites – configure – settings. There is a choice of “public”, “hidden” and “private”.

“public” means it is visible to all and indexed by search engines

“hidden” means visible to all but NOT indexed

“private” means only visible to you and others you approve.

If you choose the “private” option then you must approve access to the course coordinator and at least 3 others students taking the course, as well as to staff moderating second marking and external examination.